including a legislative update, upcoming events, and more!

Chamber News


June Speaker Series Brings In Full House for Real Estate


This morning, CCCBI hosted the June installment of the 2024 Speaker Series: Our Local Real Estate Market. 


Over 30 Member and Non-members joined us for a very dynamic discussion on the state of Chester County's real estate market, both residential and commercial. 


Our three expert panelists, Libby Horwitz of the Chester County Planning Commission, Steve Seymour of VRA Realty, and Chuck Swope of Swope Lees Commercial Real Estate, each shared their varying experiences and observations about real estate and housing trends. 

From current planning initiatives, to creative ways to support buyers, to zoning challenges, our speakers covered a wide array of topics during the robust Q&A session. Representatives from the Housing Partnership of Chester County, multiple financial institutions and community partners attended this informative and interactive event, which is no surprise given the role housing plays within the business community. 


"Local businesses need to weigh in on these conversations," said Laura Manion, CCCBI President & CEO, "If their employees can't live here or access reliable transportation, they will start looking for remote work or jobs closer to the homes they can afford elsewhere in the region."


Thank you to our speakers who donated their time to address several questions from our Membership and thank you to all of our attendees who came out to learn more about our local real estate market!


Our next Speaker Series: The Future of AI, will take place on Thursday, July 11th from 12:00pm to 1:00pm at CCCBI Headquarters. Stay tuned for our panelist announcement next week and use the button below to get registered for another informative session!


Throwback Thursday


Happy Throwback Thursday!

With only two weeks left until the Chester County Chamber Foundation's Summer Solstice, we're getting in the mood to celebrate by remembering last year's amazing evening at Wawa, Inc.'s Blossom Hill campus!

Over 100 people joined the CCCBI team and CCCF Board for delicious food from John Serock Catering, cold beverages from Penns Woods Winery and Locust Lane Craft Brewery and some fantastic live music from Chris Bradley!

New connections were made and long-term relationships were rekindled at this signature networking event.

What else could make the night even better despite some inclement weather? The generous donations and support given during the Foundation's one and only fundraising event of the year!

The Chester County Chamber Foundation acts as the charitable arm of CCCBI, supporting our beautiful office building, and the Youth Leadership Program (YLP). With the help of last year's generous sponsors and attendees, the 2023-2024 YLP students had an amazing year filled with exciting industry tours, direct connections with field experts, and relationship building to expand their personal and professional networks.

THIS YEAR...we're just as excited for the 2024 Summer Solstice at Loch Aerie Mansion, LLC!
Get your tickets for Thursday, June 20th from 5:00pm to 8:00pm as we gather together to support our wonderful Foundation. John Serock Catering and Penns Woods Winery will be returning for food and beverages and we'll be offering a very special cocktail thanks to Cafe Gourmino...Espresso Martinis!

Come out to network, connect, celebrate and meet the wonderful students of this year's YLP class.


Minimum Wage Survey


CCCBI is launching a Minimum Wage Survey for our Membership. 

Current minimum wage proposals in the state legislature will have an impact on our business community. Our goal with this survey is to gather insights on the effects that these proposals may have for your business, whether it's small, medium or large.
Your feedback is invaluable in understanding the challenges and opportunities these policies present.
We kindly ask you to take a few moments to share your perspectives and experiences by participating in this 1-2 minute survey.
Your input will help shape future discussions and policy recommendations.
Thank you for your time and contributions.

Legislative Update


Coalition of Commerce Chambers Call on State to Change Startup Tax 


Only two states have Net Operating Loss (NOL) tax caps below the federal limit of 80% and Pennsylvania is one of them. Several business leaders are trying to change that.


A bipartisan coalition of 73 chambers of commerce across the commonwealth led by the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry have signed a letter in support of changing that cap, which the letter calls "a penalty on startup businesses."


NOL allows employers to offset tax liability with losses from a previous year, something that is viewed as inherently beneficial to startup companies, due to the fact that many startups take years to generate revenue. PA's NOL cap is currently 40%.


You can read the letter below:


Dear Honorable Governor Shapiro and Honorable Members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly,

On behalf of the chambers of commerce from across the commonwealth, representing hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvania employers, we urge you to eliminate Pennsylvania’s penalty on start-up businesses.

Pennsylvania’s uniquely harsh business tax and regulatory climate is stifling economic growth. Recently, Pennsylvania was identified as the fourth worst state in the entire country in which to find a job. Additionally, three separate analyses found Pennsylvania among the bottom third of states nationwide for key economic indicators. Perhaps most strikingly, the Kauffman Foundation found that Pennsylvania has the lowest rate of new entrepreneurs out of all 50 states.

Governor Shapiro and leaders in the House and Senate have each acknowledged the need to improve Pennsylvania’s economic competitiveness. Improving the treatment of Net Operating Losses (NOL), which allows employers to offset tax liability with losses from a previous year, is a major step towards this goal. Pennsylvania is one of only two states that cap NOLs below the federal limit of 80 percent – 24 states have no cap at all. Increasing Pennsylvania’s 40 percent cap on NOLs would promote tax fairness by reducing additional tax burdens on entrepreneurial risk, cyclical businesses, or those more susceptible to economic downturns. Pennsylvania start-ups, under our current unfair tax system, would actually pay a higher effective tax rate than if they had started their business in any of the other 49 states.

We appreciate the many proposals that policymakers and advocates have put forth to spur Pennsylvania’s economy and urge lawmakers to focus on competitiveness. We urge you to prioritize correcting Pennsylvania’s treatment of start-up businesses so the Commonwealth can compete on an equal playing field to attract entrepreneurs, new employers and the jobs, economic development, and prosperity they bring to communities. On behalf of Pennsylvania’s business community, we thank you for your consideration.


Member Spotlight


A Haven


By definition, haven means a place of refuge or safety; and that's exactly what A Haven has done for the Chester County community in the last six years. 


The dedicated team at A Haven supports grieving children, teens, young adults and parents with a family-centered approach to navigating the loss of a loved one. Research now reveals that the number one determining factor on how a child grieves is how the parent/guardians grieve.  A Haven's focus is to support and equip these trusted adults to lead their children through grief in a healthy trust-building way and navigate grief together as a family.


There is no right or wrong way to remember a loved one, and with year-round programs to support those navigating grief, A Haven is actively helping these children find their own way. Their dedicated staff and volunteer organization offer support groups, consultations, activities, printed resources, school programs and even training for the community. 


A Haven's impact is immeasurable, which is why their Give Grief Hope campaign is so important!


Give Grief Hope (GGH) takes place from Monday, June 3rd to Sunday, June 16th. In an effort to support A Haven's mission, to partner with grieving families by providing support, outreach to the community, education and hope, GGH will bring together grief advocates and sponsors for their largest fundraising season of the year. The goal for GGH 2024 is to raise $125,000, of which just over 20% has already been funded. When it comes to GGH, no amount is too small to make a difference. 

"A Haven is so excited to be in the middle of our 6th Annual Give Grief Hope Campaign!" says Michelle Noble, A Haven's Executive Director. "Watching our advocates fundraise on behalf of our Mission is always so exciting. Our services are offered at no cost to grieving families, so Give Grief Hope is how the community can rally around grieving families - and with over $20,000 in local business sponsors - its clear we live in the best county. We're so grateful for the support from our local chambers. Thank you CCCBI for your partnership and their support of the non-profit sector."


Upcoming Events


Member Events


The Colonial Theatre

Join the Colonial Theatre tomorrow, Friday, June 7th at 8:00pm for an immersive speakeasy experience with the musical stylings of Parlour Noir, a performance by the Franklin Follies, and signature hooch (cocktails) featuring Bluebird Distillery products. 


We’d love to hear from and highlight your business! We are seeking member spotlight stories to include in our weekly newsletter!

Email your news to

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